A Day in My Life

Hi! I thought a non edit portrait picture isn't so bad for the beginning. Yesterday evening I was scrolling up and down my photo album on my notebook and I thought, there are some pictures who I thought in that moment I took them, "That would be good for my blog!" -And at the end I didn't post it an yes everything have to di with time, of course you have to take time for that. 

Anyway, this week on Tuesday I had just two lessons, after the two lessons I did some work in the study room in school and then I took the bus to Tunbridge Wells. And maybe you're interesting to see a day in my week. 

Before I close the house door, I made me a coffee to go, I don't know why exactly, but the coffee I made tasted like licorice...

I arrived Tunbridge Wells and I was walking to my favorite greengrocer in Tunbridge Wells. I like the shop so much because, not on that day, but usually in front of door on both sides left and right are two wood tables with fruits and vegetable, on that day it was just a little table with plan over the fruits... The other reasons are the greengrocer is little, as well you can buy on the checkout fresh local bread from farmers, also you can buy little bottles of milk, different types of cheese and meat, if you go two stairs up their have a good offer on jams, different types of flavor, a small chest freezer with ice cream from a farm, as well some seeds, spices and dried fruits you can buy for a very fair price and the last thing is you can buy in your own quantity sweets from dark, milk and dark chocolate with cashew, or ginger, or banana  , or coffee beans with chocolate. That's so cool, you can buy it in one of the brown paper bags, or you save some packaging and you bring your own empty jam glass, or a little cotton bag with you

The store is cute and exclusive!

 Here are some container with the sweets...

I needed spinach, oats for homemade oat milk and some yoghurt banana chocolate sweets. From the first greengrocer I got 1kg oat, 200g. from the yoghurt banana sweets, but the spinach was just in a plastic bag with 90gram of spinach. And for that little amount of spinach I don't wanted to spend a plastic bag.

So, I knew that by "The Pantiles" is a little bio shop. But they had as well spinach in a plastic bag. I bought it, it was 200gram spinach, non-cutted and that was for me  the better option. 
On the way to The Pentiles (a small viertel with some cafés, a few shops, one restaurant, one pub and hotel. It looks smart and elegant. 

For example I saw this shop-window, it look so colorful and yeah a bit dinky...
The bowls reminds me o summer, and would definitely looks good asa fruit bowl, or if they would be smaller as a lesser bowls.
I took a snapshot with my phone, before I came in and bought the spinach and garlic. Oh... Of course I bought as well garlic, I almost forgot that. Wow, I must be dizzy!

On The Pantiles they let plays the full summer over different jazz bands at 8pm on every Thursday. Next week on Thursday my brother comes along and I thought it would be cool and a good start for Mo to come to England and have a little celebration with his sister in Tunbridge Wells, some drinks, a few snacks and hopefully good jazz music in the background. What a shame I just took one picture from the gelataria sign. Damn.. Otherwise I could have a idea how it looks. Hey ho, next time with my brother you'll see some pictures. Besides we have to try the ice cream from the Piazza or me and Kim. Kim is a very good friend of me and she was going to my school, but in reason of her health she broke up with year 12, that was first very sad. I mean... we had the same subjects and we saw us everyday. A few weeks ago she told me that after the summer holidays she'll going to the West Kent Collage and do the sixth form in three different levels, in three years, I was so happy for her. So we can see us after school, the west Kent is 20-30 minutes far away from my school if you take the bus.

So I wish you happy hours before Monday begins and maybe the Monday madness, but we have to think positive, the students they have still school and not HOLIDAYS! 
Cheers Tori xxx


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